2/2025: Theatre as a Venue and Tool of Social Change in the “Long” 19th Century

Theatre as a Venue and Tool of Social Change in the “Long” 19th Century
Issue Editors: 
Jana Laslavíková

Theatre and the performing arts have been perceived in every historical period as a performative means of societal change. Through the lively interaction of its protagonists within specific space-time contexts, it has contributed to the social transformation of its audiences. The main objective of this issue is to identify and elucidate the key aspects of change in the region of Central, East-Central, and Eastern Europe during the “long” 19th century. We aim to explore the actors and audiences, cultural and power dynamics, as well as the institutionalization of the performing arts that facilitated societal transformation and influenced the emergence of new theatrical forms. Reflection on theatre-related phenomena also offers valuable secondary insights.

Submitted papers may explore various themes, including but not limited to:

• The construction and financing of theatre buildings
• The politicization of public and non-public theatre spaces
• Social aspects of artistic practice
• Gender disparities, representations and stereotypes
• Regulation of the performing arts, including censorship and control
• Cultural transfer and exchange between metropolitan and provincial areas
• Circulation of theatrical contents and forms
• Professional and amateur theatre practices
• The role of theatre as an instrument of national agitation
• Theatre as a platform for socialization
• Postcolonial elements in theatre, such as orientalism and exoticism.

Submissions deadline: 
31 December 2024

Language: English
Length: 15 to 30 standard pages (1800 characters per page)
Style: submissions must follow the “Style Manual for the Authors” (Manuscripts that do not comply will be rejected or returned upon receiving for correction).
The articles will be published after a double-blind peer-review process.

Submit manuscripts in MS Word format (.rtf, .doc or .docx) via Submission form.

Editors' contact: jana.laslavikova@savba.sk
