
Kolektivizace v NDR (1945 - 1961). Cesta do chudoby?

Soběhart, Radek
Novotný, Lukáš

The aim of study is an analysis of collectivization in the German Democratic Republic (GDR) in fifties of the 20th century. On the basis of the new institutional economics and the theory of public choice text defines new questions during the research of efficiency of agriculture in the context of centrally planned economy. New institutional economics is concerned with the role of formal and informal institutions during human decision making, expectations and motivation.

Od sociálneho radikalizmu k radikálnemu socializmu 1918 - 1920

Benko, Juraj

The study deals with the circumstances of the formation of social protests within the context of the lower classes during the first years after the establishment of Czechoslovakia and with the relationship between social radicalism and radical socialism during this period. On one hand, the author focuses on the social causes of the protests, on the other hand, the ways in which the protests were expressed are analysed.


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