
The Nationalist Perspective within Slovak Communist Intellectual Thinking (1921–1968)

Hudek, Adam

This study deals with the idea of nationalism in the thinking of Slovak communist intellectuals from the early 1920s until the end of the 1960s. The variety of roles that national communism took during these decades are detailed, including an “intellectual exercise” in the 1930s, an ideological deviation in the 1950s, a program of national emancipation in 1960s and finally, the narrative of legitimizing the normalization orthodoxy after the 1968 Warsaw Pact invasion into Czechoslovakia.

Sme plebejský národ? Komunisti nás o tom chceli presvedčiť

Slovenské dejiny sú príbehom dlhého boja porobeného ľudu voči vládnucej triede feudálov či neskôr proti buržoázii, ktorá na seba brala najrôznejšie podoby. Aj takto zjednodušene by sme mohli charakterizovať prístup vládnuceho komunistického režimu k oficiálnej historiografii. Ten sa tak nesnažil riadiť len politický, hospodársky či sociálny život, ale jeho ambíciou bolo vytvoriť aj nový výklad minulosti. (SME) Hosť Adam Hudek. Premiéra 26.9.2021

Ako Čechoslováci hľadali robotnícky raj na zemi?

Diskusia s novinárom Lukášom Onderčaninom a historikom Jurajom Benkom o knihe Utópia v Leninovej záhrade, v ktorej sa vydal po stopách ľudí, ktorí sa z relatívneho bezpečia prvorepublikového Československa rozhodli vydať do ďalekého Kirgizska, aby tam založili komúnu Interhelpo a pomohli budovať sovietsky robotnícky raj na zemi. Spovedal pamätníkov, študoval archívy nielen tu či v Prahe, ale aj priamo v kirgizskom Biškeku. (Žilinský literárny festival, YouTube) Hosť Juraj Benko. Premiéra 18.9.2021

Neznáme úteky za slobodou

Na konci februára si pripomíname výročie komunistického prevratu v Československu, a tak hovoríme v našej relácii o túžbe po slobode. A to s výnimočným hosťom - je ním priamo riaditeľ Historického ústavu SAV Slavomír Michálek. Ten je autorom unikátneho výskumu a knihy s názvom Za hranicou sloboda. (RTVS) Hosť Slavomír Michálek. Premiéra 21.2.2021

Komunizmus v Československu – od založenia KSČ po rok 1939

Ľudia svoje dejiny nielen vytvárajú, ale súčasne ich svojím spôsobom aj ničia, a to nielen vedomým či zlovoľným vymazávaním stôp. Mnohé tak zmiznú a strácajú sa v nevedomosti. Viaceré sa stratia jednoducho preto, lebo musia urobiť miesto novému poznaniu a istú rolu tu zohráva i často prirodzené zabúdanie. Tak ako píšu klasici histórie v mnohých obmenách - človek síce žije v dejinách, ale nežije pre dejiny samotné...

Networking and Trust During the Cold War (An Introduction)

Hudek, Adam
Zavacká, Marína

The article examines different concepts of the term “trust” within the social sciences, summarising the most important attitudes of experts on the importance of trust in modern societies. Trust and distrust have continually influenced the structure of social hierarchies and been decisive factors for acceptance, exclusion, and control. This analysis focuses primarily on the phenomenon of political and interpersonal trust—or the lack thereof—in both democratic and communist regimes.

Beatlephiles and Zappists: Rock Fandom in Communist Czechoslovakia in the Context of the Scene in Brno in the 1980s

Blüml, Jan

The history of rock in Communist Europe has been viewed by a number of domestic and foreign authors as a series of events with a dominant political content, either in the form of a general youth revolt or directly in the spirit of anti-communist opposition. In this regard, the present study extends the current simplifying concept with an emphasis on the reception history, including relevant issues related to the typology of listeners and aesthetics.

Self-publishing as a Surrealist Strategy: The Samizdat Catalogues of the Surrealist Group in Czechoslovakia

Watterott, Kristin

During the period of so-called normalization in the former Czechoslovakia, the restrictive cultural policy ousted numerous oppositional artists, theoreticians, and writers from the public cultural sphere through bans on exhibitions and publications. As a consequence, the affected individuals developed their own means of enabling creative, scientific, and literary work beyond censorship. A key medium for the realization of officially banned texts, studies, and projects was illegal and clandestine self-publishing, also called “samizdat”.

O nenormalizovaní komunizmu

Vezenkov, Alexander

During the recent years, we have witnessed an ever-growing nostalgia towards state socialism as well as continuing attempts to normalize the communist regime. The article examines one of the reactions to this phenomenon, namely the attempts to create an anti-communist grand narrative in historiography and the intrinsic contradictions of this endeavor. It demonstrates that, to a large extent, the new anti-communist canon uses explanatory models and rhetorical techniques borrowed from the communist historiography itself.


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