
Panovníci, biskupi, veľmoži a ľud. Zhromaždenia v historickom porovnaní mojmírovskej Moravy a arpádovského Uhorska

Lysý, Miroslav

The article examines the beginnings of people’s assemblies in the territory of present-day Slovakia. It consists of two parts. While the first one is concerned with the period of the Mojmírid dynasty (the 9th century), the second one deals with the period of the Arpadian dynasty until the 12th century. For both periods, it is typical that assemblies were termed variously, for example as “all the Moravians”, congregatio, consilium, etc. They were mostly juridical bodies for solving conflicts between individuals, but they also functioned as electoral or consultative bodies.

Úteky, vyhnanci a renegáti na moravsko-bavorskom pohraničí v 9. storočí

Harvát, Matej

The early medieval juridical norms commonly outlawed and, consequently, banished people convicted of serious crimes like murder, adultery or woman kidnapping. In the case of the ruling authority, monarchs punished the acts of treason and infidelity mainly with exile. Sources referring to the Moravian principality in the 9th century often mention exiles and fugitives from the higher social strata. The article provides a specification of these persons and a partial analysis of the political circumstances motivating the banishments and requests for asylum in the Moravian principality.

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